AYU PUSPITARINI – 2101955552 – Information Systems Management
At first I was pessimistic about taking online class, because there were no regular face-to-face sessions with friends or lecturers. But now everyone is doing online class during the pandemic. If I had to describe the online class I’ve had for 1.5 years at BINUS then I’d say it was really fun and maybe I will miss my college days.
I feel grateful because fate brought me together with an objective and open-minded advisor in writing my thesis. Mrs. Astari Retnowardhani always has a supportive way to guide me to stay on track without limiting my opinions, thoughts, and creativity. My success is a result of her patience and dedication to her students.
The last one is my classmates. Although we rarely see each other, I’d like to say thank you for the friendship that we have. I hope graduation day is not the end of our friendship