2301979756 – Palti Gorat Christian Sinaga – Information Systems Management

Attending the BINUS University Master Program has been a transformative journey that continues to fill me with pride and inspiration. Throughout my one-and-a-half-year tenure, the university’s unwavering commitment to excellence nurtured and sharpened my skills, elevating me to become one of the best graduates. The knowledge and expertise gained during my time at BINUS have been the cornerstone of my success as a dynamic product professional, empowering me to make significant contributions and drive innovation within my current job. BINUS University proved to be the perfect place to expand my knowledge related to immersive computer and information, embracing the latest technologies that are shaping the future. With immense gratitude, I can confidently say that BINUS University has not only shaped my career but also ignited a passion within me to strive for greatness, making a lasting impact in the world of digital entrepreneurship.