RADEN ALI RAKHMAN – 1901807151 – Information Systems Management
“Sometimes people underestimate the importance of Formal Education especially to get a Master degree in order to boost your career at work, and they think that work experiences are the best way in improving Soft Skills and Hard Skills. I Partially agree, but based on what I felt when I was studying at the Binus Graduates Program – MMSI for the past 1.5 years. In this program I got a new perspective about IT and Business Alignment. Advance topic in technology and research, and knowledge that is inline with my job description which is IT Strategic Planning. I Also Learn about how to publish your thoughts in a correct way academically, so it has more value, and is appreciated. BGP also opened a whole new professional network for my personal growth and career growth. Thanks for all the lecturers and staff. I’m so grateful to be part of BGP”