
  • Personally, completing the undergraduate level in 3.5 years and achieving the Summa Cumlaude predicate is a pride that cannot be replaced with other achievements in life. Bina Nusantara has become a place of transformation for students, not only in terms of academics but also in self-development in terms of soft skills, character building, and connections. This is also supported by the proficiency of the lectures and staff, especially with the 3 + 1 program which has succeeded in shaping and preparing more value for each student. Special Shoutout for the Communication Department which has initiated the formation of The Fighters Club (TFC) and guided each of its members, including myself, so that we can participate in various competitions that can increase skills and creates motivation to further craft the next achievement. Congratulations  to all of us who have passed one of the most important milestones, keep going forward to start a new chapter of our life.

    CLARISA EMERALDA – 2001566241 – Marketing Communication

  • Being able to learn and participate in Binus Management Programme is a blessing indeed! Having spent 3 and a half years to learn from outstanding lecturers and connect with wonderful people, I have surely gained a lot of amazing experiences. Through thick and thin, we learned how to work as a team. While in other times, we also learned how to increase our personal ability in order to achieve our dreams ahead. The opportunity provided by Binus extracuriculer programs helped me to be more active in search for my interest and in the process connects with amazing people. Most of all, I would like to express my gratitude to my family, lecturer and friends who have supported me from my first college experience until now.

    KENT SAMUEL – 2001560446 – Management

  • My four years at Binus were great and a memory to cherish for lifetime. My major in Business Creation has gained me a lot of experiences and skills that are transferrable to any industry. It was full of learning and grooming oneself. It gave me an opportunity to meet different kind of people and learned many things. I am thankful to all the colleges, mentors, lecturers, and faculties. Overall it was a great experience and lifetime memory at Binus.

    JOHANNE JODIE AURELIA – 2001568594 – Business Creation

  • Before starting my undergraduate study, I was not excited. I didn’t think big and only lurking for the most economist choice of university. Binus University is not my first choice. “it’s just another step to the real world,” they said. I took it as, “university is not the real world, yet,” so why I bother choosing a fancy university. Blessedly, ASAK Stella Maris helped me to open my first door, entering this fancy university. Along the way, studying at Binus University lighten numerous out of indefinite doors to the real world. I started to learn my major, which become fundamental to learn independently nowadays. I socialized with plentiful people in and outside the university thanks to opportunities that Binus University provides. Now, I am here writing in the time that I perceived as the real world back then. A journey of many miles begins with a single step, and my first step is studying at Binus University.

    STEPHANIE VIRDAYANTI – 2001587656 – Computer Science

  • It was an honor to be part of Binus University. My time in Binus will always be the greatest time in my youth where I had been taught and shaped to be who I am today. 
    It was truly an extraordinary ride as a Binusian. Thanks to Binus that I got to enjoy my college life through UKM organization, mentoring, and as a part of Binus IT Division. 
    Thank you for the wondrous years behind and that now I can proudly say that I was a Binusian and will always be a Binusian. 
    May Binus be an even better innovative and leading world-class university.

    NOVI STEVEN – 2001541876 – Computer Science

  • In the name of Allah, the most gracious and the most merciful. The 3.5 years journey wouldn’t happened as it was if it’s not by Allah’s permission and the support of my family and friends. It is an honor for me to be included as one of best graduates. Many of experiences happened on Binus University were something I never imagine to do. The volunteering program allowed me to directly give back to the society. The internship program got me out of my comfort zone, gave snippets of the real working world, and bridged me to some amazing persons. Other campus activities help me to refresh my mind. Those activities were able to push me to be a better person, personally and academically. However, without your own efforts and willingness, the helps of amazing lecturers and Binus’ teams are nothing. You’re the one who define your path. Let’s head to greatness. 

    WIGNA PRATITA – 2001602266 – Information Systems

  • “First of all, I would like to thank God, my family especially my mom, my friends & my colleagues who always support and believe in me when I want to take my education to a higher level. At first, I thought I will only learn a deep understanding of Computer Science majors. Turns out, I can learn about managing people, I can research my thesis in NVIDIA – BINUS AI R&D Center and I can have multiple projects to write on papers. At last but not least, I also appreciate all of my lectures and professors for guiding me and giving me feedback in my thesis. It is been a long journey and I can say it is worth it. Thank you for having me!”

    ALBERT SUSANTO – 1901809402 – Computer Science

  • “3.5 years ago, I started my journey in Binus University. Back then, it was like walking in a dark alley. I didn’t know where this alley headed to and yet I kept moving forward. Each step was full with uncertainty and each turn led to an even vague path. Along the path, I met with lots of strangers that seemed to be as lost as me. We decided to walk on together. Some of them made different turns and some decided to stop walking. Even so, I still took my step and decided to keep moving on with the remains. 42 Months have passed since then, and the future that i always wondered has become my past. The strangers that i met have become the lights of my life. And the turns that we took have become the foundation to what we are today.  

    It took me around 1260 days to finish my education in Binus University. During that days, I’ve gained lots of experiences and knowledges, make friends with amazing people, and met with outstanding lecturers. Today, we celebrate the end of our journey. And today will be our first step to another amazing stories.”

    HERYADI MARYANTO – 2001541680 – Computer Science

  • Setiap manusia punya mimpi, ambisi, dan tujuan dalam hidup. 

    Bagi saya menjadi seorang sarjana dan guru adalah cita-cita yang sangat saya impikan sejak kecil. Tetapi, keterbatasan ekonomi keluarga membuat saya sempat mengurungkan mimpi itu. Namun, kuasa dan berkat Tuhan sungguh hadir dalam hidup saya, “Ia membuat segala sesuatu indah pada waktunya” (Pkh 3:11). Melalui BINUS University bersama dengan ASAK HSPMTB Tangerang, Saya dapat kuliah dengan mengambil jurusan Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar (PGSD) dan mendapatkan beasiswa penuh 100%, dan kini atas hasil usaha dan kerja keras saya dapat meraih predikat summa cumlaude. Pencapaian ini tentu didukung oleh banyak hal yaitu program pembelajaran dan kurikulum yang sangat relevan dengan perkembangan dunia pendidikan, dosen yang kompeten, peduli, dan ramah pada mahasiswa serta lingkungan pertemanan yang positif. Saya bersyukur kepada Tuhan karena kini mimpi itu menjadi nyata, dan saya mengucapkan terima kasih kepada seluruh pihak yang telah mendukung saya selama ini yaitu orang tua, keluarga, PGSD BINUS University, ASAK HSPMTB Tangerang, dan teman-teman. 

    Saya bangga menjadi BINUSIAN

    YASINTA CHRISMONIKA SARI – 2001586823 – Primary Teacher Education

  • I have been working in the IT field for more than 10 years, finally I can continue my master study in computer science at Binus University. Having this master’s program requires patience and perseverance. Alhamdulillah, I can graduate on time. There are many new things that I got during my 1.5 years study, especially  latest knowledge updates in the IT field, which is currently hype such as Cloud Computing and Artificial Intelligent (AI). It feels nice to have a new habit where I am required to understand many scientific journals in IT so I can get useful insight to support my thesis research. There are also lots of discussions and case studies and experiences from fellow classmates in each lecture. One more thing, I can expand my networking with some classmates who are also qualified IT professionals in their field. Many thanks to Binus University. I’ve had many invaluable experiences.

    FAISAL – 2001847780 – Computer Science

  • Dengan mendapatkan beasiswa dari komisi pendidikan yang ditawarkan melalui tempat bekerja ,saya memilih BINUS sebagai tempat kuliah. Tidak mudah bekerja sambil kuliah, manajemen waktu sangatlah dibutuhkan. Itulah mengapa saya memilih perkuliahan Online di Binus University Graduate Program. Menjadi lulusan Summa Cumlaude juga tidak terlepas dari fasilitas Learning Management System (LMS) yang mendukung proses pembelajaran, pendampingan para dosen yang berkompeten dan sistem pembelajaran yang membuat mahasiswa aktif serta kreatif untuk terus meningkatkan pola pikir yang inovatif. Pilihan tepat berkuliah di BINUS karena BINUS memberikan yang terbaik bagi setiap mahasiswanya serta memacu untuk menonjolkan integritas dalam mengimplementasi tridarma perguruan tingginya.

    ROSALINA YANI WIDIASTUTI – 1901807132 – Information Systems Management

  • Tahun-tahun dalam menempuh pendidikan di BINUS University, merupakan salah satu bagian dari tahun-tahun terbaik dalam hidup saya. Dimana tersedia begitu banyaknya kesempatan untuk saya dapat mencoba berbagai hal, serta belajar hal-hal penting yang pada akhirnya menghasilkan pengalaman yang luar biasa. Melalui berbagai program dan sarana yang tersedia, telah memudahkan saya untuk dapat menggali serta memaksimalkan potensi-potensi penting dari dalam diri.

    YANSEN CHRISTIAN – 2001539505 – Computer Science

  • “I am truly grateful for everything I have experienced and gone through during my study at Bina Nusantara University. I was introduced to a community of diverse, helpful, and influential people, all of whom have helped me become a better person. Moreover, I was also given the pleasure and honor of knowing and working with the aforementioned people and was able to contribute to public communities with the skills and resources I learned and received from my study. My special thanks to my family, friends, colleagues, lecturers and staffs at Bina Nusantara University who have helped and supported me as I continually learn and grow during the last 3.5 years. I hope that while our graduation marks the end of our journey of learning at Bina Nusantara University, we would keep learning, growing, and sharing what we have with others for the betterment of our society, if not our world.”

    JONATHAN – 2001542651 – Computer Science

  • First of all, I would like to say thank you to God, parents, lecturers, and all my friends who have supported me through my college years. 

    These past 3.5 years have been a special and unforgettable journey for me. Even though I faced many problems, but I also found many good friends who are willing to learn together, supported me in both good and bad times. I would also like to thank my academic advisor, Ms. Dewi Suryani, S.Kom., M.Eng. who assisted me in the process of writing my thesis for six whole months. It is due to her guidance, that I was able to finish my thesis as well as I did.  Those two factors are one of many reasons that I now find myself in this position. Thank you Binus for everything! Especially for 3+1 program that really changed my life for the better. 

    Just as people said, Binus truly is a world-class university! 

    Thank you, good luck, and see you on top! 

    DANIEL LAOH – 2001537393 – Computer Science

  • “My years in Binus are certainly among the best years of my life’s journey. Not only I gained valuable knowledge, but I also got terrific experiences and moments that I can cherish forever. One of the things that I learned from this short journey is to work hard because hard work always pays off.  Plus, always enjoy every step you take in this journey!

    JESSICA CLEINE – 2001594232 – Information Systems

  • Being able to pursue higher education with BINUS University is indeed a wonderful, once-in-a-lifetime experience for me. In the last 4 years studying at BINUS University, I have obtained invaluable lessons in both academic and soft skills. Supported with competent faculty members, well-organized curriculums, a wide variety of student activities and programs, and outstanding campus facilities, I have managed to complete my degree in computer science and graduate with such a remarkable achievement. Thank you for everyone who helped me overcome the hardships of my study.

    ANDREW – 2001554166 – Computer Science

  • Tidak pernah ada kata terlambat untuk belajar. Kisah saya di BINUS University diawali tanpa adanya kemampuan di bidang IT dan pengalaman berorganisasi. Selama kuliah, saya terus menambah wawasan ilmu pengetahuan dari materi yang diajarkan oleh dosen, mentor, maupun diskusi dengan teman-teman, sampai pada akhirnya saya mendapatkan kesempatan menjadi mentor dan berbagi apa yang telah saya dapatkan selama ini. Ditambah lagi dari pengalaman berorganisasi di Binus Student Learning Community (BSLC) sebagai Nindya, mulai dari staff sampai menjadi manager, saya bertemu banyak teman baru yang terus mewarnai kehidupan perkuliahan saya, memberikan kisah-kisah tak terlupakan, dan mempersiapkan saya menjadi pribadi yang lebih profesional. Dari perkembangan tersebut, saya pun mendapatkan kesempatan untuk mengikuti program internship di Blibli.com yang memberikan saya pengalaman baru di dunia kerja. Akhir kata, saya bersyukur atas berkat dari Tuhan, dukungan dari keluarga, teman-teman, dan semua orang yang menjadi bagian dari perjalanan saya dalam meraih prestasi ini.

    DICKY LIEGAR – 2001537355 – Computer Science

  • Kuliah sambil bekerja adalah hal yang sangat menantang dan menyenangkan bagi saya. Ilmu dan pengalaman dalam perkuliahan bisa langsung diterapkan dalam perusahaan tempat saya bekerja. 

    Binus merupakan universitas yang saya percaya dapat memberikan ilmu terbaik bagi saya dalam menggali lebih dalam tentang manajemen sistem informasi. Dosen yang profesional dan sangat berpengalaman, system pengajaran yang sudah baik serta mahasiswa mahasiswi yang punya daya juang yang tinggi ada di binus sehingga sangat membantu saya dalam mencapai tujuan saya untuk melanjutkan jenjang pendidikan yang lebih tinggi yaitu S2 (Magister Manajemen Sistem Informasi) ini dalam waktu 1.5 tahun. Semoga binus semakin maju dan terus melahirkan lulusan-lulusan terbaik yang menjadi penerus bangsa yang siap bersaing secara nasional maupun global.

    B. JUNEDI HUTAGAOL – 2001851973 – Information Systems Management

  • Selama menjalani perkuliahan di Binus dari S1 (Sistem Informasi dan Akuntansi) selama 4,5 tahun hingga S2 (Magister Manajemen Sistem Informasi) selama 1,5 tahun, merupakan suatu pengalaman yang sangat berharga bagi saya . 6 tahun saya berkuliah di Binus, saya telah bertemu dengan berbagai macam dosen dan teman-teman yang membantu saya mengembangkan potensi pada diri saya. Banyak pengalaman yang telah saya lalui bersama teman-teman dan dosen selama saya kuliah di Binus, pengalaman ini akan menjadi bekal yang sangat berharga untuk perjalanan hidup saya. Akhir kata saya ucapkan terima kasih kepada seluruh staff dan dosen di Binus atas kesempatan, fasilitas dan pelayanan  selama perkuliahan di Binus. Dan terima kasih kepada seluruh teman-teman binusian yang telah membantu saya selama perkuliahan dan memberikan pengalaman yang berharga di Binus.

    DENNIS – 2001847944 – Information Systems Management

  • It was really a happy and unexpected feeling to be able to complete my studies at Binus University for 3.5 years. I got a lot of experience and knowledge from lecture and organizational activities. Binus University also helped me a lot in getting a job by providing opportunities to do internship. All that I have achieved cannot be separated from God’s blessing and the support of my family, girlfriend, and friends who always support me in everything. It has been a really long process with a lot of struggles but in the end, it was worth it. 

    CHARLIE LEONARDO OROH – 2001564564 – Computer Science

  • Life is a game. There are many quests, missions, challenges, rules, and experiences to gain. Studying in BINUS University is no different. I followed all the rules, completed all the missions, overcome the challenges to reach the end goal. Trying the best in everything I do, I gained experiences from start to finish. 3+1 Enrichment Program was such a fun experience to hop in and know the industry better. All in all, it was all thanks to everyone that supported me for these past 3.5 years.

    JOSIAH ELISHA – 2001536226 – Game Application and Technology

  • Pembelajaran semasa kuliah sangatlah berbeda dengan pembelajaran semasa SMA. Sebagai mahasiswa, kita dituntut untuk self-learning dan memahami konsep dan aplikasi dari materi agar kelak kita dapat memberikan solusi dan inovasi dari permasalahan yang muncul di masyarakat. Selama berkuliah, tak jarang saya juga menghadapi kesulitan dalam belajar. Beruntung, saya dibantu oleh dosen, manajemen Binus, dan rekan mahasiswa yang senantiasa membuat kelas tambahan atau tutor maupun sharing session agar mahasiswa dapat lebih memahami materi perkuliahan. Selain itu, selama 3.5 tahun, saya tidak hanya belajar di kelas, namun Universitas Bina Nusantara memberi kesempatan bagi saya untuk terjun langsung ke masyarakat dengan melakukan kegiatan sosial, kegiatan berorganisasi di BNCC (Bina Nusantara Computer Club) dan program internship di Blibli.com selama 1 tahun. Semua pengalaman berharga ini membentuk saya menjadi individu yang profesional dan siap untuk terjun ke dunia kerja. 

    STELLI – 2001568524 – Computer Science

  • It has been an honor to be student in BINUS University. BINUS University has given me more than enough opportunities, both academically and non-academically, to expand upon my skills and network. I am very happy to be a part of Buddy Coordinator, Freshmen Leader and Partner, Mentor, Teaching Assistant, and many more. All of this cannot happen without the support from all the friends, lecturers, and staffs that I have met in BINUS University. The 3.5 years of journey in this university has been series of both fortunate and unfortunate events that made me an even better person for the society.

    EZRA INDRASTATA SPINOZA – 2001547192 – Computer Science

  • First of all I would like to thank God for giving me an opportunity to study in BINUS University. When I reflected on my 3.5 years, I’ve never thought that I’d be here without support from my family, friends, and lecturers. I have gained skills and thoughts that made me realize everything is possible if you’re willing to go through the struggle. It has been a truly invaluable learning experience for me. The most important of all is to enjoy the process, it will be the pain that you miss when you are old.

    LISA INDRAPUTRI – 2001555660 – Computer Science

  • At first, I thought stepping in this so called “uni-life” will result in an abundance of stress that will force me to step out of my comfort zone. But no, as the next 3.5 years fly by, through all the laughters, hardships, tears (yes, tears) and challenges, I realized that I am stepping out of my comfort zone on my own! BINUS University has given us all the support and encouragement we needed, proven by the quality of the Lecturers, the Staffs, the programs, the curricullum, the system, and the cafeteria (especially with Bakmi Effata). Though during this time of pandemic, the fact that we are still able to graduate is the one thing I personally cannot forget. The thing is, being a student in BINUS University gave me the thrilling and exciting experience that I probably won’t get in another university. Lastly, congratulations to all of us and let’s be the pioneer for the future! 

    RICHARD PUSVITA RIDWAN – 2001542765 – Information Systems

  • Binus University merupakan kandidat pertama dalam list saya saat memutuskan untuk mengambil gelar S2. Setelah mempertimbangan banyak hal, akhirnya keputusan saya tetap jatuh ke Binus University Graduate Programe, dengan metode online learning sehingga mendukung fleksibilitas waktu sambil bekerja. Sejak awal pendaftaran, Binus memberikan pelayanan yang sangat baik dan sabar menjawab pertanyaan – pertanyaan saya sehingga memudahkan saya mengikuti proses mulai dari seleksi sampai diterima. Saat mulai masuk dan menjalani kuliah, saya semakin bersyukur telah memilih Binus University, karena bukan hanya menyediakan fasilitas yang amat lengkap mulai dari Learning Management System (LMS) yang sudah sangat bagus dan mendukung seluruh proses pembelajaran, tapi juga tenaga pengajar alias dosen – dosen yang sangat berkompeten dan serius mendampingi kami mahasiswa. Para dosen selalu mendorong dan mendukung kami dalam penelitian sehingga kami lulus bukan sekadar dengan nilai ujian tapi juga benar – benar terlatih menghasilkan karya. Binus University sangat patut untuk dibanggakan.

    MONIKA EVELIN JOHAN – 1901807183 – Information Systems Management

  • Ketika saya ingin melanjutkan kuliah S2, Binus menjadi pilihan pertama karena kepercayaan saya terhadap kualitas Binus. Dosen-dosen yang suportif dan materi pembelajaran yang tersusun baik sangat membantu saya dalam mengembangkan diri sehingga dapat mencapai prestasi di perkuliahan maupun pekerjaan. Pengalaman kuliah selama 1.5 tahun ini menjadi pengalaman yang berharga dan menyenangkan bagi saya. Semoga Binus semakin maju dan terus berinovasi sebagai WORLD-CLASS UNIVERSITY.

    NATANAEL ALAMAS – 2001847875 – Information Systems Management

  • I thank God for the opportunity given to me to finish my doctoral study in Binus University. I learned and refreshed my theoretical knowledge. This is a great experience to learn with experienced colleagues in DRM program. I would like to express my gratitude for all the supports from my family, my bosses and all friends at my second home XL Axiata, all lectures, colleagues, and friends.

    HENNY SANTOSO – 1940002082 – Doctor of Research in Management

  • College life has been one heck of a roller coaster ride for us. BINUS is one of the universities with so many strict rules and regulations, but it makes us be a better BINUSIAN. 
    And remember, that our journey to become a better person is never a solitary one. Some people are vital in our lives who helped us become who we are today. Of course, our parents always send prayers for us.

    JUNITA PRISTI NUR AFNAIN – 1901572653 – Information Systems

  • Praise be to God for His grace so I can  complete my Master degree in Binus Graduate Program. The experience of going through an online Master program is an unforgettable yet great experience. We have to stay alert with personal and group assignments, forums, video confrence class schedules, and on-site exam schedules. Studying MMSI really broaden my insights,  especially in the field of Advance topic in MIS and Digital Business and E-commerce Management.  All of those knowledges are beneficial in increasing my personal potential  and career.  Participating in the MMSI also give the experience how to do a correct scientific writing, how to participate in conferences and publish scientific journals from our written Thesis. We’ve been through it all by the support of family, college friends, campus staffs, and of course  by the guidance of all our lecturers/professors . Thanks Binus Graduate Program! 

    GIOVANNA TINY SAGITA GAYATRI – 1901807145 – Information Systems Management

  • “The time I have spent at Binus University plays a very crucial role in my career. The whole experience has given me the confidence and ability to achieve several things that I once believed weren’t even possible. Binus University has given me a plethora of tools, knowledge, and understanding on how to maximize my potential in order to turn prospects into real opportunities, to have a competitive advantage in this rapidly developing society. It has been a remarkable journey, as I have also made numerous connections with some of the most incredible individuals that I wouldn’t have met if it weren’t for my studies here. 

    It takes dedication, commitment, and most importantly, courage to push through tough times and still make it to the finish line, let alone walk out as best graduate. The year 2020 had the world on standstill, and endangered our health, human rights, and safety. I would like to commend all of you on making it thus far. Celebrate! Your next chapter is waiting just up ahead.”

    CHELSEA ADORA – 2001566866 – Information Systems

  • First of all I want to say praise and gratitude to God, my parents and all my support system around me who had helped me going through this 3.5 years college journey. It’s such an honor and unforgettable moment to be able to graduate in this year and in this pandemic situation, which lead us all to have a new normal life. Being a Binusian for the past years have gained me a lot of experience, knowledge and friendship through classes, volunteering and internship. Many of them challenge me out of my comfort zone but this opportunity brought me to a job career right away after the Internship program ended even before I finish my degree, and I’m so thankful for that. So to any new student coming to BINUS University, I would say this, “Throw yourself at every opportunity that comes to you. If it gets overburden, you can always take a break and scale back then try to continue and finish it at your very best.” Last but not least HAPPY GRADUATION to all of us

    DELVIRA – 2001559116 – Information Systems

  • “Sometimes people underestimate the importance of Formal Education especially to get a Master degree in order to boost your career at work, and they think that work experiences are the best way in improving Soft Skills and Hard Skills. I Partially agree, but based on what I felt when I was studying at the Binus Graduates Program – MMSI for the past 1.5 years. In this program I got a new perspective about IT and Business Alignment. Advance topic in technology and research, and knowledge that is inline with my job description which is IT Strategic Planning. I Also Learn about how to publish your thoughts in a correct way academically, so it has more value, and is appreciated. BGP also opened a whole new professional network for my personal growth and career growth. Thanks for all the lecturers and staff. I’m so grateful to be part of BGP”

    RADEN ALI RAKHMAN – 1901807151 – Information Systems Management

  • “Being the first person in the family to go for higher education, it is important for me to choose the right learning institution. It turns out that my choice, BINUS University, is the best choice for my big step of the future. With its great lecturers and abundance of learning resources, BINUS University has shaped the way of my thinking – through being able of thinking freely without being dogmatised and seeing things from various perspectives, in addition of learning typical theories from textbooks and lectures. Not to mention the soft skills and entrepreneurial skills that BINUS University has implanted from the start – which are practically future-proof for the uncertain future. At last, I am so proud and grateful to be a part of this world-class academia, BINUS University.”

    FELIANA NJOWITO – 2001535910 – English Literature

  • “Breaking the stereotype” should be the perfect expression to describe my whole experience study at Bina Nusantara university. Lots of knowledge and experiences have been gained during 7 semesters of study, not mentioned, it helps leverage and accelerate my skills, morals, and abilities. Classes, curriculum, activities, and facilities support and motivate me well to evolve both academically, morally, and mentally. Surrounded by a great environment, friends, family, and community bring me can come to this point, I do really feel blessed. At the end, I proudly say “I am proud to be Binusian”. 

    METTA CAMELIA – 2001544814 – Marketing Communication

  • Saya memilih perkuliahan online di BINUS karena keterbatasan waktu untuk perjalanan kantor – kampus – rumah setiap harinya. Namun setelah menyelesaikan Master degree, saya membuktikan metode dan kurikulum BINUS Online adalah yang terbaik. Terutama pada masa pandemi ini, semangat untuk mendapatkan pendidikan tidak boleh pupus. Terimakasih saya ucapkan kepada seluruh dosen, karyawan dan teman-teman. Ilmu, pengalaman dan jejaring yang telah saya dapat selama 1.5 tahun ini sangat bermanfaat dalam peningkatan karir saya. 

    NINA ANGGRAINI – 1901809270 – Information Systems Management

  • The journey to get my undergraduate degree has its fair share of ups and downs, but overall, I am grateful for the opportunity to spend the last four years in BINUS University.I was given the chance to not only develop my hard-skills, but also my soft-skills and entrepreneurial ability.Also, through its Enrichment program, BINUS gave me the opportunity to get real work experiences in which I could apply the skills I have earned.Tobe able to graduate is certainly not an easy feat. I would not have reached this point and furthermoreachievethe Summa Cumlaude honor without the help of the very accommodating and resourceful lecturers of the English Department. I give my best regards to BINUS, the lecturers, and to all Binusians.

    NADYA IVANA – 2001535766 – English Literature

  • “Binus University has always felt like home to me – literally and metaphorically. The place where I spent most of my time for the past 3.5 years was also the place where I got to unleash the truest, best version of myself, surrounded by ‘the people’ who I adored the most. These people shaped me into who I am today and, I best believe, achieving this title would not be possible without them. This being said, together with God’s blessings and an immeasurable amount of gratitude, I dedicate it to every person who has gone through this incredible journey with me. A special shout-out to Mr. Michael Tuori, IBM Global Class 2020, and Business Management Laboratory – you guys are the people, my people.”

    KATHARINA HENDRAWAN – 2001544316 – International Business Management

  • It’s an honor for me to be able to graduate from Binus Online Learning. Spending the last 4 years with great lecturers and colleagues has made me closer to what I wanted to be, what I wanted to achieve. Thank you Binus for giving me a chance to prove and better myself. Graduating from Binus has not just broaden my knowledge and skills, but also opened many opportunites in my career and life.

    NATASHA – 1901572306 – Information Systems

  • Binus university is a complete package. Fundamentally, its highly qualified lecturers formed a strong academic foundation. They took extra miles to guide their pupils on regular study, research, and crafting a dissertation with constructive discussion, agree to disagree. Coupled with a supportive environment, it created a conducive space for study. As a brand, carrying the name of Binus University indeed eased the hassle in gaining external support, especially during research data compilation. All in all, it’s proud to be a Binusian.

    RIZAL NANGOY – 1940002252 – Doctor of Research in Management

  • The first time I  set my foot on Bina Nusantara University, I never imagined  I would earn various amazing experiences and precious memories that I would cherish forever in my life. I have gained valuable knowledge, not only in terms of academic skills but also unforgettable memoirs with extraordinary individuals. At Bina Nusantara University, I had the chance to discover my hidden potentials that remain unrevealed previously. Therefore,  I am deeply grateful for all support and encouragement from friends, lecturers, and families, as these impetuses drive me to become a better version of myself.

    KRISNELLA – 2001559886 – Marketing Communication

  • First of all, I would like to thank God Almighty, my parents, and my beloved lecturers who have made my educational journey while in BINUS an extraordinary achievement. I have been at BINUS since I was an undergraduate, and for me, BINUS is one of the universities that are strict with regulations in order to make their students mentally strong, disciplined, and able to compete fairly. Surprisingly, those things happen to my life and I am proud to be part of the BINUS family, Binusian, and tell the world that Indonesia still has BINUS as one of the best universities in Indonesia. So, last but not least, I also appreciate all of my lecturers and professors for your real criticism to make my tasks, papers, and researches to be more powerful writing and creative than I imagine. Now, the world is waiting for my next creative mind to make an improvement in the technology industry as Binus and my professors teach me. 

    HILDA OKTAVIANNI JM – 1901809384 – Information Systems Management

  • Merupakan keputusan yang tepat dan kesempatan yang berharga dapat menjalani masa pendidikan di Universitas Bina Nusantara. Kehidupan perkuliahan tidak hanya semudah memindahkan tali topi toga dari kanan ke kiri saja, tetapi 4 tahun ini sangat mengubah dan menggugah kehidupan pribadi saya baik dari pola pikir, sudut pandang, maupun pengetahuan. Selain berkuliah, pengalaman sebagai buddy coordinator, mentor, asisten laboratorium, dan peran dari kegiatan kampus lainnya juga memberikan pembelajaran dan pengembangan hardskill maupun softskill saya. Oleh karena itu, setiap kejadian yang ada hanya perlu dilakukan dengan sungguh-sungguh, tekun, dan ikhlas. Sehingga saya percaya prestasi yang dipercayakan ini merupakan berkat dari Tuhan, hasil dari kerja keras dan dukungan dari pihak keluarga, teman-teman dan seluruh dosen. Semoga hal ini dapat menjadi bekal untuk meraih masa depan yang saya impikan. Bangga menjadi Binusian.

    FEBIYANA ADITYA – 2001563555 – Management

  • BINUS ONLINE Learning by Binus University adalah salah satu alasan kenapa saya memberanikan diri untuk melanjutkan perkuliahan ke strata 2, dimana BINUS berhasil membangun ekosistem pembelajaran jarak jauh tanpa harus hadir di kelas dan dapat dengan mudah disesuaikan dengan kesibukan sebagai pekerja. Menjadi lulusanSumma Cumlaude juga tidak terlepas dari dukungan para Dosen yang sangat baik, terutama para dosen pembimbing yang memudahkan saya dalam melakukan penyusunan tesis dan jurnal. Metode pembelajaran yang dituntut cepat tidaklah menyulitkan saya dikarenakan metodenya sistematis, melebur dan mudah untuk dipahami dalam tiap kurikulumnya. Materi Perkuliahan, Tugas dan Ujian mengasah pola pikir saya untuk menjadi lulusan magister yang mampu berpikir kritis dan solutif, yang sangat dibutuhkan di dunia karir.  Bagi saya, BINUS ONLINE Learning sangatlah siap untuk mengembangkan pendidikan dan karir para mahasiswa bahkan di era PANDEMI saat ini 

    DIMAZ MAULANA – 1901807126 – Information Systems Management