Wisuda 68

Rector BINUS UNIVERSITY Dr. Nelly, S.Kom., M.M., CSCA

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Jumlah Lulusan

    Jumlah lulusan


    @ Kemanggisan Campus

    Jumlah lulusan


    @ Alam Sutera Campus

    Jumlah lulusan


    @ Bekasi Campus

    Jumlah lulusan


    @ Senayan Campus

    Jumlah lulusan


    @ Malang Campus

    Jumlah lulusan


    @ Bandung Campus

    Jumlah lulusan


    Binus Online Learning

    Jumlah lulusan


    BULC Batam

    Jumlah lulusan


    BULC Palembang

    Jumlah lulusan


    BULC Samarinda

    Jumlah lulusan


    BULC Bekasi

    Jumlah lulusan


    BULC Bandung

    Jumlah lulusan


    BULC Semarang

    Jumlah lulusan


    BULC Malang

    Jumlah lulusan


    BULC Makassar

    Jumlah lulusan


    BULC Medan

    Jumlah lulusan


    BULC Pekanbaru

    S1 Regular


    S1 International


    S1 Bandung


    S1 Malang


    S1 Online


    S1 BASE




    S2 Regular


    S2 Online




    S3 Regular



    • The four years I spent as an undergraduate student at Binus University have given me a lot of valuable memories and experiences. Not only technical knowledge Binus has also given me lots of opportunities to develop my soft skills through class practicum mentoring and even internship – hoping to prepare the younger generation for the future. I am very grateful to be a part of the Binusian. And I also want to convey my sincerest thanks to all my Binusian friends lecturers and all the Binus employees who have always helped and motivated me making it possible for me to graduate with a pretty satisfactory result. Thank you Binus

      2301857765 - Briana Febriani - Industrial Engineering

    • Saya merasa sangat beruntung dan bersyukur dapat kuliah di BINUS Malang. Dari awal perjalanan dengan rasa takut dan cemas akan masa depan menjadi rasa percaya diri, bersyukur dan bangga akan masa depan setelah bisa dinyatakan lulus dari BINUS. Saya berterima kasih kepada semua Dosen yang telah membimbing saya dengan baik, saya tahu mereka tidak sempurna tapi mereka melakukan yang terbaik untuk membimbing saya dengan sepenuh hati. Terima kasih juga untuk BINUS yang sudah dengan baik menanggapi pandemi sehingga kami bisa sama-sama beradaptasi menjalani perkuliahan secara online dengan baik. Tidak ada kata lain yang bisa saya ucapkan selain “Terima kasih”.

      2301897434 - Krisnata Dicky Santoso - Public Relations (Malang Campus)

    • Saya memulai perjalanan saya di Binus University dengan penuh rasa syukur. Selama empat tahun saya tidak hanya mempelajari ilmu akademis tetapi juga mengembangkan soft skills melalui pengalaman magang yang berharga. Para dosen dan mentor di Binus memberikan dukungan tak terhingga membimbing saya dengan sepenuh hati khususnya selama masa pandemi. Kini dengan bekal pengetahuan dan pengalaman yang diperoleh saya merasa siap menghadapi tantangan masa depan. Terima kasih Binus atas segala ilmu dan kesempatan yang telah diberikan.

      2301850304 - David Samuel Setiawan - Computer Science - Global

    • As one of the graduates in Finance class of Binus University I would like to share my personal insight as an appreciation of being a part of this wonderful curriculum. As time goes by my admiration to the educators have grown deeply as they have given me valuable lessons in financial modelling project portfolio reports and trading application studies that also given me an idea of real working experience. Moreover thanks to the internship programme I could understand how to implement all the lessons that I’ve learned in Uni and it challenges myself to go outside of my comfort zone. It makes me comprehend things better which I personally think that practicing theory to real life cases would be beneficial for learning purpose. Thankyou Finance Program and BINUS University

      2301868270 - Melissa Putritama - Finance

    • Studying at BINUS University brought added value to my life. I was able to increase my knowledge soft skills do internships apply knowledge from college to the world of work etc. I also had the opportunity to be part of a writer and presenter at The 5th International Conference on Biospheric Harmony Advanced Research. I would like to thank my lecturers and friends who have supported me from the start until the end of my college life. I’m very proud and grateful to be part of BINUSIAN.

      2301922165 - Thalia Angela - Accounting (PJJ)

    Data Wisudawan

    • Graphic and New Media School of Computing and Creative Arts
    • Accounting (PJJ) BINUS Online Learning
       apandi apandi
    • MM (Management) BINUS Business School Master Program
       hanafi hanafi
    • MM (Management) BINUS Business School Master Program
       irvan irvan
    • Computer Science (PJJ) BINUS Online Learning
       jekson jekson
    • MM (Management) BINUS Business School Master Program
       josephine josephine
    • MM (Management) BINUS Business School Master Program
       natasha natasha
    • MM (Management) BINUS Business School Master Program
       norhidayat norhidayat
    • MM (Management) BINUS Business School Master Program
       william william

    Lihat Semua

    Wisudawan Berprestasi

    • Business Management (PJJ) BINUS Online Learning
      adhela pradiska Adhela pradiska
      IPK 3.93
      ACHIEVEMENT Summa Cum Laude
    • Business Management (PJJ) BINUS Online Learning
      adhelia pramitha noviana Adhelia pramitha noviana
      IPK 3.92
      ACHIEVEMENT Summa Cum Laude
    • Information Systems Management BINUS Graduate Program
      adhi wirahardi Adhi wirahardi
      IPK 3.99
      ACHIEVEMENT Summa Cum Laude
    • Business Management (PJJ) BINUS Online Learning
      adi gunawan birun Adi gunawan birun
      IPK 3.94
      ACHIEVEMENT Summa Cum Laude
    • Information Systems Management BINUS Graduate Program
      aditya nur hakim Aditya nur hakim
      IPK 3.98
      ACHIEVEMENT Summa Cum Laude
    • Computer Science - Global School of Computer Science
      aditya winata Aditya winata
      IPK 3.92
      ACHIEVEMENT Summa Cum Laude
    • Business Management (PJJ) BINUS Online Learning
      agnes jesica Agnes jesica
      IPK 3.94
      ACHIEVEMENT Summa Cum Laude
    • International Marketing BBS Undergraduate Program
      agnes yovita Agnes yovita
      IPK 3.95
      ACHIEVEMENT Summa Cum Laude, Wisudawan Terbaik
    • Industrial Engineering (PJJ) BINUS Online Learning
      aguk dewantara Aguk dewantara
      IPK 3.92
      ACHIEVEMENT Summa Cum Laude
    Lihat Semua