Wisuda 69

Rector BINUS UNIVERSITY Dr. Nelly, S.Kom., M.M., CSCA

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Jumlah Lulusan

    Jumlah lulusan


    @ Kemanggisan Campus

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    @ Alam Sutera Campus

    Jumlah lulusan


    @ Bekasi Campus

    Jumlah lulusan


    @ Senayan Campus

    Jumlah lulusan


    @ Malang Campus

    Jumlah lulusan


    @ Bandung Campus

    Jumlah lulusan


    Binus Online Learning

    Jumlah lulusan


    BULC Batam

    Jumlah lulusan


    BULC Palembang

    Jumlah lulusan


    BULC Samarinda

    Jumlah lulusan


    BULC Bekasi

    Jumlah lulusan


    BULC Bandung

    Jumlah lulusan


    BULC Semarang

    Jumlah lulusan


    BULC Malang

    Jumlah lulusan


    BULC Makassar

    Jumlah lulusan


    BULC Medan

    Jumlah lulusan


    BULC Pekanbaru

    S1 Regular


    S1 International


    S1 Bandung


    S1 Malang


    S1 Online


    S1 BASE




    S2 Regular


    S2 Online




    S3 Regular



    • Graduating from BINUS University has been an incredible journey of growth and discovery. The rigorous academic environment and supportive faculty challenged me to push my limits and achieve my best. I am grateful for the diverse experiences and opportunities that have shaped my skills and broadened my horizons. This milestone is a testament to hard work, resilience, and the unwavering support of my family and friends. I am excited to embark on the next chapter of my life, confident in the foundation BINUS has provided.

      2440021426 - Kesya Amanda Wijaya - Computer Science

    • I started my journey at BINUS University in 2019, and now, in 2024, I am proud to be graduating with a Master’s degree through the FastTrack program. Throughout my time here, I have been consistently impressed with the quality of the programs offered. The lecturers, especially during my Master’s studies, have been exceptional in their teaching and support, making complex topics accessible and engaging.

      Beyond academics, the university environment has been incredibly positive. The friendships I’ve formed and the supportive community have made my experience even more enriching. I am grateful for my time at BINUS and the opportunities it has provided me.

      2402222646 - Ismail Azh-zhafir Rohaga - Information Systems Management

    • Selama menjalani studi di Binus University, saya berhasil meraih pencapaian yang memberikan warna tersendiri dalam perjalanan akademik saya. Prestasi tersebut tidak hanya terbatas pada capaian akademik, tetapi juga mencakup partisipasi aktif dalam kegiatan UKM dan Enrichment Program. Hal ini tidak hanya memperkaya pengalaman belajar saya, tetapi juga membantu dalam mempersiapkan diri untuk tantangan yang lebih besar di masa depan. Saya sangat bersyukur atas dukungan dan kesempatan yang diberikan oleh Binus University dalam mencapai pencapaian ini.

      2440112714 - Terenina Nayumiko - Business Management

    • Saya merasakan pengalaman belajar yang unik dan intens di Bina Nusantara. Tugas-tugas yang diberikan mendorong saya untuk dapat lebih mengelola porsi kerja dan kemampuan delegasi dengan lebih baik. Tingkat pengetahuan yang saya peroleh dari program cukup relevan dengan jurusan pendidikan yang saya ambil. Melihat ke depan, saya optimis Bina Nusantara akan terus berkembang menjadi lembaga pendidikan yang membentuk mahasiswanya untuk memperluas wawasan dan mengasah keterampilan yang diperlukan untuk bertahan di kancah profesional

      2401960946 - Aurelius Audie Nathanael - Information Systems

    • From an ordinary student to the Best Graduate at Binus University—that’s what I thought when I received an invitation email regarding my achievements, “Best Graduate and Summa Cum Laude, Wisuda 69, Binus University”. I was not a competitive or outstanding student during my school years, but I believed that achievement is attainable for everyone who tries. Thus, I began to instil in myself the conviction that I must excel and always give my 101% effort, as I learned from the Binusian Value “SPIRIT”. Thanks to the provision, facilities, and supportive environment of the BINUS campus, I had the opportunity to develop my potential through campus and off-campus activities, leading organizations, and participating in various competitions, until I could win various awards and earn the ‘Best Graduate’ title. I believe that all of us can be the best version of ourselves, and BINUS University is the right place to help us develop our potential and provide extraordinary support.

      2440039606 - Camelia Lim - Information Systems

    Data Wisudawan

    • MM (Management) BINUS Business School Master Program
       christiandy christiandy
    • Business Management (PJJ) BINUS Online Learning
       christine christine
    • Information Systems (PJJ) BINUS Online Learning
       gunawan gunawan
    • Computer Science (PJJ) BINUS Online Learning
       jonathan jonathan
    • Information Systems (PJJ) BINUS Online Learning
       khairunnisa khairunnisa
    • Business Management (PJJ) BINUS Online Learning
       lestarina lestarina
    • Business Management (PJJ) BINUS Online Learning
       mariani mariani
    • Master of Accounting School of Accounting
       melianie melianie
    • Business Law Faculty of Humanities
       michelle michelle

    Lihat Semua

    Wisudawan Berprestasi

    • Business Management (PJJ) BINUS Online Learning
      abdul haris pranata Abdul haris pranata
      IPK 3.93
      ACHIEVEMENT Summa Cum Laude
    • Accounting School of Accounting
      abraham graviro Abraham graviro
      IPK 3.95
      ACHIEVEMENT Summa Cum Laude
    • International Business Management - Global BBS Undergraduate Program
      abraham sachio richard budiono Abraham sachio richard budiono
      IPK 3.98
      ACHIEVEMENT Summa Cum Laude, Wisudawan Terbaik
    • Information Systems Management BINUS Graduate Program
      adani bimasakti wibisono Adani bimasakti wibisono
      IPK 4
      ACHIEVEMENT Excellent, Summa Cum Laude, Wisudawan Terbaik
    • Information Systems Management BINUS Graduate Program
      ade kurnia Ade kurnia
      IPK 3.95
      ACHIEVEMENT Summa Cum Laude
    • Accounting (PJJ) BINUS Online Learning
      adelia febriyanti putri Adelia febriyanti putri
      IPK 3.91
      ACHIEVEMENT Summa Cum Laude
    • Doctor of Computer Science BINUS Doctoral Program
      adi suryaputra paramita Adi suryaputra paramita
      IPK 3.96
      ACHIEVEMENT Summa Cum Laude, Wisudawan Terbaik
    • Information Systems Management BINUS Graduate Program
      adidharma ekaputra kesuma Adidharma ekaputra kesuma
      IPK 3.99
      ACHIEVEMENT Summa Cum Laude
    • Information Systems Management BINUS Graduate Program
      aditya pradana putra Aditya pradana putra
      IPK 3.94
      ACHIEVEMENT Summa Cum Laude
    Lihat Semua